Top Norwegian Exam eBook !

With this ebook, you'll have everything you need to master Norskprøve and achieve great results.

Success Stories with Our eBook

  • Julia Irtisev

    "eBook jest świetnym narzędziem do nauki norweskiego. Trzeba jednak sumiennie przerobić wszystkie zadania i pytania. Dzięki niemu zdałam Norskprøve na poziomie B1! 📘"

    3 lipca 2023

  • John McCarthy

    "The eBook is a fantastic resource for learning Norwegian. It's not for the lazy, but if you work through all the exercises, you can definitely pass the Norskprøve at B1 level. Highly recommended! 📚"

    12 July 2023

  • Ingrid Johansan

    "eBook er et fantastisk verktøy for å lære norsk. Du må jobbe grundig med alle oppgaver og spørsmål. Takket være dette bestod jeg Norskprøve på B1-nivå! 📘"

    23. juni 2023

  • Natalia Ejtminowicz

    "Z całego serca polecam eBook dla każdego, kto chce nauczyć się norweskiego. Nie jest to dla leniwych, ale praca z nim naprawdę się opłaca. Zdałam Norskprøve na B1! 😊"

    23 czerwca 2023

  • Emily Devis

    "I highly recommend the eBook for anyone serious about learning Norwegian. It's challenging, but working through all the exercises helped me pass the Norskprøve at B1 level. 😊"

    5 August 2023

  • Kari Nordmenn

    "Jeg anbefaler eBook på det varmeste til alle som vil lære norsk. Det er ikke for late mennesker, men arbeidet lønner seg virkelig. Jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå! 😊"

    7. juli 2023

  • Martyna Kula

    "Dzięki eBookowi zdałam Norskprøve na B1! Materiały są bardzo wartościowe, ale trzeba się przyłożyć. Warto przerobić wszystkie zadania. 😍"

    7 lipca 2023

  • James Brown

    "The eBook was crucial in helping me pass the Norskprøve at B1 level. The materials are detailed and require effort, but it's totally worth it. Highly recommended! 🎉"

    15 September 2023

  • Maria Hansen

    "eBook er veldig hjelpsom for å lære norsk. Det krever systematisk arbeid, men jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå. Anbefales på det sterkeste! 😊"

    26. mai 2023

  • Łukasz Dzik

    "Super eBook do nauki norweskiego! Zdałem Norskprøve na poziomie B1, ale musiałem przerobić wszystkie pytania i ćwiczenia. Polecam każdemu! 😊"

    26 maja 2023

  • Samantha Green

    "This eBook is fantastic for learning Norwegian. It requires dedication, but going through all the questions and exercises helped me pass the Norskprøve at B1 level. 📘"

    1 October 2023

  • Chain Olsen

    "Veldig bra eBook for å lære norsk. Jeg måtte jobbe gjennom alle spørsmålene, men jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå. Anbefales! 📚"

    15. desember 2022

  • Małgorzata Pacikowska

    "eBook jest bardzo pomocny w nauce norweskiego. Przerobiłam wszystkie zadania i zdałam Norskprøve na poziomie B1! To wymagało pracy, ale było warto. 😀"

    15 grudnia 2022

  • Daniel Taylor

    "The eBook provided valuable resources for learning Norwegian. It’s not an easy task, but completing all the exercises helped me pass the Norskprøve at B1 level. 😊"

    20 November 2023

  • Ola Pettersan

    "eBook er veldig nyttig for å lære norsk. Du må være flittig og jobbe med alle oppgavene, men jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå. 😊"

    28. februar 2023

  • Ela Parkowska

    "Serdecznie polecam eBook! Jest pełen wartościowych materiałów, ale trzeba nad nimi sumiennie pracować. Dzięki niemu zdałam Norskprøve na B1! 🥰"

    28 lutego 2023

  • Michael Keen

    "The eBook is an excellent tool for learning Norwegian. It's challenging, but if you go through all the questions, it will help you pass the Norskprøve at B1 level. 📖"

    5 December 2023

  • Lusia Larsen

    "Fantastisk eBook for å lære norsk. Det krever hardt arbeid, men jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå. Anbefales! 📘"

    10. mars 2023

  • Adam Olczek

    "Świetny eBook! Dzięki niemu zdałem Norskprøve na poziomie B1. Nie jest to dla leniwych, trzeba przerobić wszystkie pytania. Gorąco polecam! 📖"

    15 marca 2023

  • Emma Wilson

    "The eBook is very valuable for learning Norwegian. You need to work diligently on all tasks, but the results are worth it. I passed the Norskprøve at B1 level! 😊"

    20 April 2023

  • Kristoffer Sørensan

    "Jeg anbefaler eBook til alle som vil lære norsk. Det er ikke for de late, men innsatsen lønner seg. Jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå! 🎉"

    15. april 2023

  • Ewa Katarzynska

    "Bardzo wartościowy eBook do nauki norweskiego. Trzeba pracować nad wszystkimi zadaniami, ale wynik jest tego wart. Zdałam Norskprøve na B1! 😊"

    10 kwietnia 2023

  • David Dybvik

    "I highly recommend the eBook for learning Norwegian. It’s comprehensive and requires effort, but I passed the Norskprøve at B1 level thanks to it. 📘"

    1 May 2023

  • Regine Eriksen

    "Utrolig nyttig eBook for å lære norsk. Du må jobbe med alle oppgavene, men jeg bestod Norskprøve på B1-nivå. Anbefales på det sterkeste! 😊"

    5. mai 2023

  • Krzysztof Potocki

    "Dzięki eBookowi zdałem Norskprøve na poziomie B1. Materiały są szczegółowe i wymagają pracy, ale naprawdę pomagają. Polecam! 🎉"

    5 maja 2023

Don't be surprised at Norskprøve: Get ready with 465 tasks!

Pass the Norskprøve exam with our helpful E-book! 📝🎉

With the Norsk AI Tutor application and this handy ebook, you'll have everything you need to successfully pass the Norskprøve exam.

Here's a list of what you'll get by supporting me:📚

  • ➡️ E-book with 465 sample writing tasks to help you pass the Norskprøve exam with topics you will encounter in the exam
  • ➡️ Step-by-step instructions on how to download the Norsk AI Tutor app for free on your phone or desktop
  • ➡️Practicalvocabulary dictionary translated into Norwegian, Polish and English, helpful for improving image descriptions
  • ➡️50 diverse images for practicing image descriptions
  • ➡️ 🧑‍🎓 Are you at the beginning of your journey in learning Norwegian? Our eBook is available in Polish and English
  • ➡️📝 Z tym eBookiem opanujesz pisanie skarg

Check out our e-book!📚

How it works:

  1. Support this project by clicking on this link or by visiting the main page of the bank " SPLEIS FRA SPAREBANK1" and searching for the project under the title: Support for norsk ai tutor
  2. Support with any amount you prefer.
  3. After supporting, send me an email with your support nickname to
  4. After I receive the nickname you've chosen, please send it to my email, and I will send you the E-book

Thank you for your support! If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out. ❤️❤️
